Please Read! This product is a special - meaning it is a custom item we have stock of or has a defect that is noted. Please check the description carefully.Off - Holes are Slightly Off Center. Anodized Aluminum - Large Scale - sold by the bag of 100 - Black Finish Clear Anodized Punched from 1/2 hard temper anodized strip (anodized the same both sides unless noted). The sides of the scales are not anodized. Size: 7/8 x 1.41 with 0.35 hole (22.2mm x 35.8mm,8.9mm hole). Ring size for standard overlapping scalemail pattern: 16g SWG 5/16" ID Scales per square foot: approximately 300 You will need 2 rings per scale; more if you are stablizing the edges.
30% OFF Off - Holes are Slightly Off Center. Anodized Aluminum - Large Scale - sold by the bag of 100 - Black Finish Clear Anodized
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