Bra Top Instructions

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Level: IntermediateJodey Hathaway (Bike Part Jewelry) shows how she makes beautiful bra tops using 16g 1/4" rings and European 4-1 weave. These tops can be made in half rubber rings to give stretch.The instructions can be used for any cup size. They include sizing and modification notes - the example used is size D.Although listed as intermediate - these instructions if followed with patience and care may be used by a beginner. This is mainly listed as intermediate because the majority of the difficulty is in adjusting the pattern to suit the wearer. content" tabindex="0" aria-description="Your personal and company data are protected in this chat"> ac-container ac-adaptiveCard"> ac-textBlock"> A color-categorized PDF can be used with different colors, not just one. Therefore, there’s no need to purchase more than one. You just need to substitute the rings.