0.115" thick (2.8mm) with an inside diameter of 0.54" (13.4mm) when closed.Actual closed size is slightly oval measuring 0.54"x0.56" Engineered Plastic RingsThese rings are made using very strong engineered plastics.
- The rings are rigid but still springy - and very light weight.
- They are easy and fast to assemble and do not require tools. This makes them great demonstration rings and excellent for kids.
- The rings snap together forming a strong connection that is suitable for clothing and jewelry without the use of any glue - rings can be reopened and closed many times.
- They are suitable for armor. For armor applications rings may come apart when hit unless they are glued. Details on what glue to use is provided below.
- These are ideal for strong and low profile closures for jewelry and clothing.
- They are suitable for use in combat grade armor if the rings are glued.
- The glue available at eplastics.com
- Other glues such as Crazy glue and Gorilla glue will work fine however using a special glue will fuse the rings and make a very strong ring.
- Delrin is not easily fusable. It can be glued with Gorilla glue or Crazy glue but the bonds are not as strong as the rest of the ring.
- The Delrin rings are strong enough to be armor - but we have not found a glue that is as strong as the ring yet. If you get these for armor you will have to play with glues to sort out what is strong enough for your application. The rings do not need glue - its just a good idea if you are actually hitting the rings and don't want them to pop open.
- We have discovered the polycarboante openable rings may need to be tempered (low oven temps) - read more here
- We also found they look AMAZING when painted! Click for details.
- The polycarbonate can also be dyed! Click for details.